Mid-Atlantic Burn Camp charity fundraiser

The Pennsylvania Star Wars Collecting Society is honored to support Mid-Atlantic Burn Camp through a special charitable fundraiser. We will be selling medallions featuring Yoda. The medallions were produced in a one-time run of 1000 medallions with the permission of Lucasfilm Ltd. All proceeds generated through the sale of these medallions will be donated to Mid-Atlantic Burn Camp. Ordering instructions can be found below.

About Mid-Atlantic Burn Camp

Mid-Atlantic Burn Camp is an organization that offers exciting programs to young burn survivors. These programs provide them an opportunity to meet others to share their dreams and goals. Mid-Atlantic Burn Camp provides programs to support the physical, psychological, and social needs of young burn survivors. Their primary program is a week long, residential summer camp in the mountains of Virginia for young burn survivors ages 8-18. Here the children get to do great summer camp activities like swimming, horseback riding, arts and crafts, hiking, and sports. The teenagers also participate in adventure activities such as rock climbing, caving and canoeing. The camp is free of charge and supported by donations from fundraisers such as this medallion sale.

About the medallions

These medallions were inspired by the concept of "challenge coins" which are popular among military personnel.

This is a 1.75”-diameter medallion with colored enamel on both faces. A certificate of authenticity is included. Here is a photo of the medallion:

Purchasing details

Please use the Add to Cart button under the International or Domestic (USA) Orders header below. If you don't have access to PayPal, please E-mail charity@pswcs.com with your mailing address and the number of medallions you would like to order to receive instructions for paying via check or money order.

The 2012 Charity Medallion has sold out. Thank you for your support!